THE HOME OF NIGE, THE Independent Entrepreneur AND AUTHOR
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Welcome to my world of networking
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Having passed my sell-by date, I am comfortably retired but enjoy working online and passing on my many years of experience as an independent entrepreneur and author.
During my many years working online, I have dealt with thousands of business ideas. Some were good, but most wasted time, money, and energy. Some were bad plans, and many were just scams to get money.
Are you seriously wanting to work online?
If your answer is yes, then you need to have the right mindset, which takes discipline in yourself and your actions.
It would help if YOU changed your mindset to that of an employer
Do you understand what that means?
In short, you must stop thinking like an employee and begin thinking like a boss of your business and destiny.
You take what you earn and reinvest it back into the business. You work as an employee, buy nice stuff for yourself, and survive. In your business, you work, invest back into it, and thrive. If you want to buy nice stuff, you must earn the right to do it.
Yes, it is challenging but essential.
You should have a proper business account with your bank, set an amount of money in that account that you can comfortably lose, and never spend beyond that amount.
None of us want to lose money in any way, shape, or form, but you have to be realistic and assess your business’s overall cost while also setting a goal to reach before you think about expanding further.
Your first goal should include recovering at least the funding you initially spent to set up your business. Then, assess the potential and use the money wisely to grow and expand your business.
When you have recovered all of that money and have more than that amount for growth and expansion, you can consider yourself in profit.
Now, you can begin to pay yourself using money over and above your original capital plus cash for your growth going forward.
The money deemed as profit will fluctuate depending on many different scenarios, such as the cost of leads or other website and mailing costs.
This means that if you intend to set yourself a rigid salary, you must set this figure at a lower level of fluctuation to ensure that the business always remains in profit.
Where to begin?
You may have something you want to sell, be a software developer or similar online practice, or simply begin with an affiliate program.
Suppose you are unsure what you want or have never worked online before. In that case, I highly recommend one very high-end affiliate program that has existed for over 25 years and currently serves around three million members daily. Of course, I use it myself daily.
Start with a FREE account.
I am formerly inviting you to join my team as a FREE member and look into your options within my platform.
I guarantee that you will never need any other software or resources to achieve your goals online, no matter what you intend to do.
Please simply click on the logo below and fill out the simple form with your details to get started free of charge:

Make a difference for a child!!
I am delighted to tell you that I have written a book aimed at young people aged 7 to 12, but it appears that much older generations also love reading it.
My story is about a red fox that survives in the wild against all odds in a world where humans are destroying natural landscapes.
I have included my vision of history going back to the 16th and 17th centuries. The Normans introduced items like rabbits into the United Kingdom, but only for the rich hierarchy of the country. Anyone else caught with a rabbit was arrested and sent to penal colonies in Australia for several years.
Our wildlife is precious to us all, which is just one of the reasons I try to teach our children of today clues of how to look after it in the future after we are long gone.
I ask, at the very least that you give me a decent rating on Amazon or even better, buy my book and help my charity for the blind by clicking on the red fox image below:

The truth is that no matter who you are or your circumstances, you can do anything you want to do in life.
The only trick is to want to do it with 100% dedication, drive and conviction.
Thoughts and Philosophy
I admit that doing anything online can be daunting, to say the least, because whatever you do, you know will be seen by thousands or even millions of people around the world who may or may not agree with what you have to say.
But in reality, all of those people are the same as you, just like the people in your local towns or cities. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, be it right or wrong, so it is really how you deal with it.
Some people can be obnoxious and downright belligerent in their comments and remarks mainly because they think they are remote and untouchable. In the real world, they can be traced and dealt with. Honestly, it's best to just ignore them and block them out.
In my opinion, it is best to stay non-confrontational and always think about what you write, remembering that it will be viewed by people of a different race and religion in other countries with varying points of view, which you must accept to a certain level of controversy.
This is much the same as how you deal with people on a daily basis in your local vicinity.
There will always be people with an axe to grind. Maybe it's someone with mental health issues. Perhaps they have things going on in their lives that alter how they deal with people, and you have no way of knowing that, so always be mindful in your response without being negative.
Those are just a few things to remember when working online with a larger audience than the one you find on your local high street. Like a local business, you must always be kind, courteous, and mindful.
Your frame of mind should always be upbeat in a very positive way. For instance, at my late age, I awake each morning feeling happy and fortunate that I find my elbows not hitting wood. I now have a whole other day to be glad to be alive.
Yes my age is increasing, and there is nothing I can do to alter it, yes I lost my eyesight, and I am completely blind. Yes, I have had two heart attacks and a stroke that affects me at times, but hey, that is life as I know it, and there is nothing I can do to change it, so being upbeat and happy is always the right direction to take for me.
Thanks to technology, I can still use sound to write and do what I do, so I feel fortunate indeed to be able to read and write and to laugh and debate everything that I can. I am determined to continue in the same vein for as long as possible, and hopefully, that will be right up until someone pronounces me deceased.
When I reach that point, I will look into my options!!
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