Welcome to Nigel Pearcey.com
I am a book author and semi-retired entrepreneur who provides credible ideas and platforms to help others work from home or the office by showing you the most credible online platforms available to everyone.
I advertised proven platforms in various parts of the world that also provide the training, tools and resources for promoting and expanding your continued growth depending on how far you would like to take it.
At 73 years of age and having spent at least 20 years in online marketing, I guess I know a lot of tips and tricks about marketing and promotions, but I will never say that I know everything because the Internet changes and evolves constantly, like technology itself.
If you would like to keep up to date with me and get free downloads etc when available, then please feel free to register and have the ability to login to my client portal totally free of charge by CLICKING HERE
Throughout this website, you will see links to my new book, which I wrote after becoming blind very suddenly. I do mean sudden because I had gone to bed one night with near-perfect eyesight and awoke the following morning wholly blind and, as you can imagine, completely devastated.
I will not bore you to death with how I reset my life going forward from that event because that is now history and a learning curve to writing a book, as you can see below.
The survival of Reynard
(perhaps we are all blind to the natural world)
As a blind author, I wrote this book to highlight the damage that we, as the human race, are doing to our planet as a whole. In this instance, I focus on a Red fox in the countryside of the United Kingdom.
I became blind suddenly at the age of 64 years, and when I say suddenly, I mean I went to bed with near-perfect eyesight and awoke the following morning completely blind; this was a shock, as you can imagine, at the time.
Anyway, thousands of people like myself have suffered similar events, so I will not go into the details because my story is not about me and my problems. I want to highlight the broader issues that we all face on planet Earth going forward in the hope that I can leave a legacy for all to read and digest.
So, as you may guess, I created a fictitious fox named Reynard to give you an insight into the world of wildlife and its struggle to survive against all odds in a world hell-bent on killing them all.

I hope you will be sufficiently interested to buy my book or, at the very least, give me a five-star rating on Amazon. This will help my charities and good work going forward.
My book can be found on Waterstones and many other leading bookstores worldwide, but the most popular these days seems to be Amazon.
You can get my book in paperback, hardback or Kindle by clicking here to see it on AMAZON.
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